In this restaurant you will find food typical of the state of Minas Gerais, which is very tasty and rather heavier than food from Rio, for example.
It is a help-yourself restaurant, with over 50 items, and for a very reasonable price you can eat to your hearts content.
In addition to the hot-food buffett which has dishes like chicken with ocra, any kind of beans and stewed meats, there is a beautiful salad bar, a beautiful dessert bar and a grill where you can request steaks, sausages, chicken hearts and so on.
Not only that, but there is a little keg where you can help yourself to a cachaça (Brazilian firewater) also made in Minas Gerais.
Give it a try, be brave, try something different!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You'll like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rua Visconde Silva 152
Tel: 2266-0520
Open from 11.30 to 4pm and from 6pm to 11pm during the week, Fridays dinner until 12am, Saturday all day until 12am and Sundays all day until 9pm. Parking available
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