Sunday, January 27, 2013

La Gondola

A long-time favorite restaurant, I finally decided to add it to the blog as it really is an experience and delight.
 Right by the Lagoa in the Parque dos Patins, right next to the helipad, if offers great italian food, great Brazilian music (singer Jorge Guedes plays Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays) and a great view over the Lagoa.


The restaurant continues to be one of our favorites, the food is consistently good, and so is the music, now with Daniel Lemos

Next to the restaurant is a lawn that stretches sort of along the pathways.

It is fascinating to observe the road system that the ants have established from and to their home and how hardworking they are. They carry all kinds of material on their backs, often many times bigger than they are themselves.

Go have a look and admire

1 comment:

ML said...

O caminho das formigas, Billi?
Admirar? Como assim?
Tô me coçando toda - soy psicossomática...

; > )))))))))))
